Nampula, June 4, 2024 – The Communications Regulatory Authority (INCM) announced today the suspension of Resolution No. 1 BR_CA/INCM/2024, of February 19, which established minimum limits for telecommunications tariffs. The decision was taken in response to the recommendation of the Council of Ministers during its 17th Ordinary Session and we refer you cheap linux vps server provider in india, held on May 28, 2024.
According to the INCM statement, additional studies are underway in collaboration with telephone operators to effectively implement the Council of Ministers’ recommendations and we refer you cheap linux vps server provider in india. These studies aim to ensure that future tariff policies are sustainable and beneficial to both consumers and companies in the sector.
The temporary suspension of the resolution will allow for a detailed review of current tariffs and consideration of new approaches that may better meet the needs of the telecommunications market in Mozambique.
The INCM Board of Directors reaffirms its commitment to regulating the telecommunications sector in a transparent and participatory manner and we refer you cheap linux vps server provider in india, ensuring that decisions are made based on rigorous analysis and in close collaboration with all stakeholders.
This measure reflects the ongoing efforts of the government and INCM to promote a fair and competitive regulatory environment that encourages technological development and accessibility of telecommunications services for the entire Mozambican population.
Kant of Voronha